I have a wealth of experience in a number of fields, including computer science, education, archaeology, library operations, and many more. I enjoy sharing my passions with others, and helping them build skills.

My educational background includes a BA in Anthropology (University of Maine, 2013), a Certificate of Graduate Study in Geographic Information Systems (University of Maine, 2016), and an MS in Quaternary and Climate Studies (University of Maine, 2017; thesis: Spatial Organization and Erosion at the Holmes Point West Archaeological Site, Machiasport, Maine), as well as some PhD coursework in Spatial Information Science and Engineering at the University of Maine.
I began my post-secondary teaching career in January 2020 at the University of Maine, and joined the adjunct faculty of Eastern Maine Community College a couple months later. I went full-time in 2021 at EMCC, teaching in the Computer Technology department, and have remained an adjunct in the Maine College of Engineering and Computing at UMaine, teaching graduate courses in Digital Curation and undergraduate courses in Computer Technology and New Media. Beginning in Spring 2025, I will also be teaching in the Data Science and Engineering graduate program.
I never planned to become an educator, but I’m very glad I did, as I truly love what I do, and it makes me very happy to see my students learn, grow, and succeed in ways that are meaningful to them. I enjoy hearing from former students and seeing what great things they’ve accomplished!
As a graduate student, I worked as the manager of UMaine’s Northeastern Prehistory Laboratory, and as a software developer at the VEMI (Virtual Environment and Multimodal Interaction) laboratory, both of which shaped my future academic and career interests considerably.
I have a variety of hobbies, including retro-gaming and vintage computing, tinkering, 3D printing, creating visual art, playing musical instruments, watching ice hockey, cooking, and more.
Also, I am a “crazy cat lady,” and very proud of that, haha.
Thanks for checking out my website!